Family Constellations

What are family constellations?

A family constellations therapy will shine light on your transgenerational influences, hidden family loyalties that are affecting your life today. These are often hidden.

After seeing the patterns, you are empowered to recognize them, take a new perspective, release the patterns if you choose, leading to greater peace and freedom you yearn for.

In my 10 years offering this profound therapy, I have a unique perspective. This is a deeply therapeutic method to get:

  • Better understanding of why you are

  • Trapped in difficult relationship patterns

  • self sabotaging your finances

  • avoiding the health improvements you need

Family Constellations was introduced by German Bert Hellinger in the 1970s. My teacher Marco Viera studied under Bert and passed the lineage of therapies to me.

This method is based on the idea that present problems have roots in the past - your ancestors - and can be passed down through the family.

Hence, we need a tool to investigate and understand our ancestral conflicts, traumas, and families in order to recognize them, accept them into our lives. Only then will they stop controlling our current lives and we can find greater peace and freedom.

This method intends for the good of all that have the courage to explore, and their descendants.

Your ancestral trauma will be passed on unless you work on it.

For some this is obvious. For others this idea is revolutionary. This therapy has helped hundreds of my friends and clients. And so, I am dedicated servant of the tradition and take joy in sharing it with others.

Book a free 15min Discovery Call to see how it can help you.

Sessions are from $97 when you are ready.

How can I experience this ancestral Healing?

  • Zoom for one.

  • Zoom in group.

  • In person in San Diego, CA - in my location or yours.

  • In person group session in San Diego

What happen in a Family Constellations session?

During a Family Constellations workshop, participants are guided to delve into their family systems. in a deeply profound and spiritual practice. They might be asked to choose representatives from the group to embody family members, ancestors, or even emotions or aspects of themselves. Rather than relying on role play, this method allows representatives to express emotions that can reveal insights about relationships and promote healing. Facilitators encourage participants to express resonant phrases instead of seeking immediate solutions. The benefits include relief, clarity, and a deeper understanding of family dynamics, often leading to positive transformations in participants' lives. Even those not directly facing personal challenges can gain meaningful insights, making it a transformative experience for all involved.

What my clients say

Hedgy Calm

I highly recommend Nayelin! She made me feel calm and safe during my powerful Family Constellation session.

Fatima J

I love the experience that I had with Nayelin I definitely recommend her, She’s so kind and patient .

Janvier Berber

One of the most amazing and healing experiences I’ve experienced in my journey; a trip to the past to heal my present so I can live a better future.

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